
About me

Federica Spaziani

Sat Narayan
The Sat Narayan Center was created with the intention of bringing well-being to the physical body and the mental body through a path of awareness of one's strength and vitality.
Thanks to the help of simple and effective techniques (Yoga, Sat Nam Rasayan, Shiatsu, Myofascial) it is possible to unlock what prevents the free flow of energy, and learn how to face daily challenges with creativity and lightness.

Federica Spaziani
dott. in Natural Science
Myofascial method Roberto Pellegrini
School of Integral Medicine dott. Ruediger Dahlke
Yoga Kundalini of Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam Rasayan of Guru Dev Singh

Wellness has always been my primary interest.
From the study of Natural Sciences, I learned that in nature nothing is wasted, but everything is part of a circle of energy that is continually renewed, through a fascinating balance.
Observing human beings, I was curious about how often a disease is created when something goes out of balance.
So I started to take care of well-being of people, from 1995 to 2007 part-time, from 2007 full time.
Oriental wisdom (Shiatsu, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yogi Bhajan's Kundalini Yoga, Guru Dev Singh's Sat Nam Rasayan) combined with western studies (Anatomy and Physiology, Myofascial, School of Integral Medicine) taught me how the functioning of human beings reflects that of nature and larger, that of the whole Universe and that, in order to heal and therefore find the balance of body and mind, some simple practices are necessary.

I work with kindness techniques to create a conscious communication between physical, energetic and mental bodies, I accompany people on a path of self-healing and wellness, leading them in their natural and spontaneous rhythms, and teaching them how to take care of their own physical and mental health.